Peruvian Wild-Cross Dark Bar


A few new pairs we crossed to wild fish last year are producing some very nice dark-bar altum-like fish. These angelfish have an excellent wild natural look to them. They are 50% wild blood, crossed to a Peruvian wild fish from the Manacupuru Region. THESE ARE NOT WILD CAUGHT FISH, THEY ARE 100% TANK BRED IN THE USA. They have excellent body shape and fins and they develop very nice dark full bars (stripes). Very similar to Altum angelfish in appearance and behavior. While true altum can be extremely difficult to care for, this variety is more hardy, more disease resistant, and much more compatible with other fish types. We cull agressively to avoid bent fins, gill plate problems, etc. We stand behind the affordability and health of our angelfish. Angelfish are approximately (+/-) dime-nickel size, they are 5-8 weeks old. Freshwater angelfish. Disease-free. Live arrival guaranteed. We highly recommend use of our Micro Pearls food and our Miracle Mini Bites food for our angelfish, as it is what they are used to eating

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