Welcome to our shop, and thanks for visiting!
Angelmania is a small family-run breeding program for freshwater angelfish in Buffalo, NY, shipping to the entire USA! This effort started as a very small hobby and has expanded through the years into a nice breeding program. We don't try to compete with large fish farms which crank out thousands upon thousands of fish. Our goal is to provide healthy, affordable angelfish of the highest quality. We specialize in rare angelfish types that are very popluar with people in the hobby, but can be extremely difficult to find in your local pet store. We spare no effort in the best breeding and husbandry techniques to produce excellent angelfish.
Angelmania is a small boutique hatchery operation. Our family runs Angelmania as an evening and weekend hobby. If you know anyone in the "fish business", you know it's not a cash cow. We make a living at our 9-5 day jobs and we breed and sell angelfish mostly for our love of expanding the hobby and getting good angelfish in the hands of fellow fishkeepers. The sales that come in from this site help keep our breeding program running, help pay for fish food and supplies, and help keep the website running.
As a family, we personally fill all orders, make all communications, etc. We strive for a very personal response to every single order or question. We don't profess to be expert website developers or salespeople. We do however think that over the past few years we've been able to raise some exceptional angelfish. That's the enjoyment of the hobby, right?
We concentrate on raising fish of the highest quality. This is the reason we don't sell fish wholesale or to local fish stores. We're now using the internet to reach a large, specialized audience interested in finding their perfect angelfish. We've always been happier with quality over quantity when it comes to breeding fish. Every single fish we raise, sell, and ship, is inspected meticulously at several stages of development, when sorted into its own tank as part of an order, and as it is bagged and packed for shipment to your door.
We hope you have a great experience shopping for and receiving angelfish from Angelmania! If we can help you in any way, feel free to contact us.
See our feature article in Reef to Rainforest/Amazonas magazine!
Lee, family, and friends, at Angelmania.net