Dark Foot Purple Mystery Snail (Group of 5+)


These amazing creatures are excellent for any aquarium. The dark foot purple mystery snail (Pomacea Bridgesii) is a rare and beautiful addition to your aquarium. Their coloration is striking deep purple and is an excellent visual color combination to our Philippine Blue angelfish. We feed our snails premium food and vegetables (such as zucchini) with lots of minerals to keep their shells hard, deep colored, and without striations or chips. The foot on these snails is a deep dark purple. They are peaceful and elegant companions for any fish or shrimp or other snails and they are plant-safe (they will only eat dead plant matter). They also do an amazing job eating algae and detritus buildup, making your tank cleaner and healthier. These snails get BIG. When adult they will be as big or bigger than a golf ball, if fed well. They are not shy, so you will not find them hiding. They’ll even come right up to you once they learn it’s feeding time!

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